All that piece and parcel of 30 apartments bearing No. A001, A002, A003, A005, A006, A007, A008, A009, A010, A101,A102,A103,A105,A107,A108,A109,A110,A201,A202,A205, A209, A210, A302, A305, A306, A309 and A310 out of 80 apartments, contained in the multistored building known as "NISARGA CAPITAL APARTMENTS", Katha No. 1117/148/3 Constructed In Converted Land Measuring 1 (one) Acre In Sy No. 148/3 of Kannurahalli Vilage Kasaba Hobli, Hosakote Taluk, Bangalore Rural District Converted from Agriculture to Non-Agricultural residential use vide Official Memorandum bearing ALN(HK)CR 42/2010-11 dated 14.07.2010issued by the Deputy Commissioner, Bangalore rural District, Bangalore Schedule 'B' Property - Flat bearing No A 007, Khata No 1117/148/3, E Khata No 150300401000120658 'A' Wing in Ground Floor, measuring 1020 Sq Ft Super built-up area containing two bedroom togetherwith RCC roofing, vitrified fooring once common toilet and one attached toilet, one hall, one kitchen, togetherwith one covered car parking space 517.40 Sq Ft undivided interest in the immovable property mentioned in Schedule 'A' above including proportionate share in common areas such as passages, lobbies, staircase, contained in the multistoried building constructed on the Schedule 'A; property known as "NISARGACAPITALAPARTMENTS': East by : Nisarga Capital Block B Apartment West by: MTR Wide Corridors, North by Flat bearing noA008, South by 2 MTR Wide Corridors.