1. All that piece and parcel of the land & Building measuring Area 04 satak with R.T. shed house, situated at Mouza- Gopalpur, J.L No- 13. L.R Khatian No.-1224, RS & LR Dag No.-78, Nature of Land- Bakery, P.S & A.D.S.R Office- Raina, Dist- Purba Bardhaman, Mortgage Deed No.- I-0465 for the year 2018, Book No.-1, Volume No.- 0201-2018, Pages from 9828 to 9848, Property in the name of Mr. Jamirul Haque Middya, S/o Mr. Kausarali Middya, within Dist. Sub Registries Office- I Burdwan, Dist. Purba Bardhaman.