House property situated at Servey no. 777/1. 777/2/min-8 and 777/2/min-9 PH no. 110 at Agar- Ujjain road Village Ghonsla Th. Mahidpur. Dist: Ujjain (M.P.) admeasuring plot area (450+450+375) 1275 Sq.ft. in the name of Mr. Ramesh Chandra S/o Badrilal Verma and Mrs. Vishnu Bai W/o Mr. Ramesh Chandra. Boundaries of property- East- 18ft. Wide Road: West- Ujjain Ghonsia Road North- House of Shri Ganpat Singh & Shri Anandiala S/o Shri Ramesh Chandra South- Plot of Shri Dinesh Verma, Shri Abdul Whab & Sri Kamal Singh