All that piece and parcel of Land & Building measuring an area of 10 Chattak 12.5 Sq.ft. or 1.05 Decimal more or less, Situated at Mouza- Chaturia, J.L. No. 34, Re. Sa. 134, L.R. Khatian No. 767, R.S. & L.R. Dag No.- 366, Under Paschim Khilkapur Gram Panchayet, P.S. Duttapukur, Dist.- North 24 Parganas. Being Deed No. I - 02513. Registered in Book No - I. Volume No. 1519- 2018, Pages No. 64454 to 64478 for the Year 2018, Property stands in the name of Mr. Manoj Biswas, S/o Lt. Mr. Mahananda Biswas, A.D.S.R.O- Kadambagachi. Dist. North 24 Parganas. Butted & Bounded by:- On the North :- Others Land, On the South :- 10 Ft. wide Kancha Road, On the East :- Land of Scheme 'B' Plot, On the West :- Others Land. UNDER SYMBOLIC POSSESSION