All that piece of land and building, area of land measuring more or less 3 cottah, Chattak, 3 qft situated in RS / LR Dag No. 1603/2040, L.R Khatian No. 1701. Mouza- Dakshin Rajyadharpur, J.L. No. 19, Under G.P. Rajyadharpur, Vill- Rajyadharpur, P.O. Mallickpara P.S. Serampore, Dist- Hooghly. Registered in the name of Mr Jhantu Sarkar Vide Deed no I-2037/1994 & 06685/2005. Butted & Bounded By :- On the North by-10ft - wide common passage, On the South by - Dag No. 1608(P), On the East by-Dag No.- 1603(P), On the Westby-10 ft wide common passage