All that piece of Residential Land measuring 5.00 Decimal with Single storied residential building in the name of Mr. Biswanath Mondal, S/o Late Dhirendra Nath Mondal situated at Village-Debipur (Uttar Para), PO-Debipur, P.S -Jalangi, District-Murshidabad Under Debipur Gram Panchayat Pin-742306, State-West Bengal, Mouza-Debipur, J.L NO-004 L.R Khatian No-10116 R.S and L.R Plot No-8506 having deed no-l-120100359 dated 15.01.2016 Boundaries of theProperty : North. Plot of Jiten Mondal, South: Tin shed of Susanta Mondal and 6ft Wide Common Passage East: House of Sanjay and Gokul Mondal, West: House of Subal Chandra Mondal.