Property 1. : Deed No.1-1300 of 11/02/2016 RS/LR plot No. 1910, L R Khaitan No.: 2645 Mouza Durmuth JL No-382 under sarda Gram Panchayet Vill + Po Ajodhyapur PS : Contai Dist: Purba Medinipur Pin: 721401. Property is butted & Bounded By: On the North by - Contai -Rasulpur Road, On the South by - Property of Other., On the East by - Passage, On the West by - Common Wall with Residence of other. Property 2. : Deed No.1-2116 Plot No. 1939 LR Khaitan No-1668/1 Mouza-Durmuth JL No.-382 under sarda Gram Panchayet Vill + PO Ajodhyapur PS -Contai Dist: Purba Medinipur Pin: 721401 On the North by - Property of Sasadhar Pradhan, On the South by -Property of Anju Rani Pal On the East by - Ajodhyapur High School. On the West by - Common Passage Type of possession- Symbolic Possession