Property 1:- Commercial shop land measuring about 0.214 Sataktogether with existing single storied building, situated at Mouza - Habra, JL No.72, Touzi No.14, CS D ag No. 1232, RS D ag No. 2557, LR Dag No.3017 CS Khatian No. 170,RS Khatian No. 2023, LR Khatian No.858,within Habra Municipality, Ward No. 14 PS- Habra, Dist. North 24 Pgs, Deed No. 138 for the year 2006, BookNo.I,Volume No03. Pages 49 To 54, ADSRO Habra, Dist North 24 Pgs,in the name of Dipankar Dey. S/o Sushil Ranjan Dey.