Schedule A: Item No:1) All that piece and parcel of vacant land and building situated at Madanandappuram Village, Sriperumbudhur Taluk Kancheepuram District, comprised in S.No 104/1, as per Patta .No 104/20 in the approved layout by MMDA vide PPD/LO No. 176/88, bearing Plot No.60 Madha Nagar, measuring an extent of 3036 sq.ft Bounded on the North by 40 Feet Road, South by: Plot No 33 of Madha Nagar extension 1, East by: 24 Feet Road West by: Plot No 59 of Madha Nagar. This Property is situated within the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub-Registration District of Kundrathur. Item No:2) All that piece and parcel of vacant land and building situated at Madanandappuram Village, Sriperumbudhur Taluk, Kancheepuram District comprised in S.No 109/1. as per Patta S.No 109/1A2, in the approved layout by MMDA vide PPD/LO No. 66/90, bearing Plot No 33, Madha Nagar Extension-1. measuring an extent of 2594 sqft., Bounded on the North by: Plot No 60 of Madha Nagar, South by: 16 Feet Road and Plot .36 East by: 24 Feet Road, West by: Plot No 59 of Madha Nagar. This Property is situated within the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub-Registration District of Kundrathur. Schedule B: 563 Sq.Ft. of Undivided Share of Land from and out of the "A' schedule property. Flat No. D5, Fourth Floor, Vaijayanthi Illam having built up area of 1379 sq.ft. (inclusive of proportionate share in common areas) along with an open car parking This property is in the name of Mr Kannan.N S/o Natarajan