Commercial Land Sheds And Building in Durgada, East Godavari Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s Swathi Pulp Trading & Manufacturing
    Bank Name
    Union Bank of India
    Property Type
    commercial land sheds and building
    a) Commercial land sheds and building situated at old RS No. 289/1, new RS No. 289/1B, DNo. 2-188, Block No.2, Durgada village and panchayat, Gollaprolu mandal, E.G. District., in an extent of 7983.31 Sq. Yards in the name of Mrs. Padala Uma Maheswari bounded by East: Land of this claimant in RS No. 289/2 to some extent and land of Velugula Arjuna Rao, West: Irrigation Canal; North: Land left for passage with width of 27 links to some extent and 4 links width canal to some extent; South: Land of Yadala Chakrayya. b) Residential Land at Old S No. 289/1. New S No. 289/1B & 289/2, Near D No. 1-41/1, Durgada village and panchayat, Gollaprolu Mandal, E.G. District. in an extent of 1450.66 Sq. Yds in the name of Mrs. Padala Uma Maheswari bounded by East: Land meant for canal with a width of 4 links; West : Land of Velugula Arjuna Rao; North: Land of this borrower; South: Land meant for canal with a width of 4 links.
    7983.31 Sq Yards
    Durgada, East Godavari
    East Godavari
    Reserve Price
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 16 Nov 2023 04:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    DANAVAIPET BRANCH, 46-7-17, Jetti Chambers, Danavaipet Main Road, Rajahmundry. Ph : 0883-2441942. E-mail
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