Factory Land And Building in Vaijnath, Beed Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    Valdyanath Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited
    Bank Name
    Union Bank of India
    Property Type
    factory land and building
    All that part and parcels of the Property of Mortgagor consisting of the entire Factory Sheds, Buildings, Furniture, Fixture, Staff Quarters and all the lands purchased by the Mortgagor from various persons together with all buildings, erections, godowns and constructions of every description which are standing erected or attached or shall at any time hereafter during the continuance of the security hereby constituted be erected and standing or attached thereto. The detailed list of title deeds of lands within the Sub-District of Parali- Valjnath and in the Registration District of Beed is as under:- 1) Kauthali Gut No. 381, Area in Hectors 27, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 383/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office arli-Vaijnath East-land of Deshmukh, Gut No 382 West-La of Sudhakar Kisan Jadhav North-Land of Sidhram Shama Shalger South- Land of Dagdu Rukmini 2) Kauthali Gut No. 381, Area in Hectors - 1.23, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 383/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Narayan Maruti Junad West-Land of Gangabai Kisan Jadhav North- Land of Parubai Pandurang Rathod South- Land of Parubai Pandurang Rathod 3) Kauthali Gut No. 381, Area in Hectors 1.23, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 385/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Sitaram Ganpatrao Jadhav West-L of Bharat and Rambhau S/o Laxman Jadhav North- Land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde South- Land of Premabai Dhansingh Chavan 4) Kauthali Gut No. 381, Area in Hectors - 1.23, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 386/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Gangabai Kisan Jadhav West- Land of Rukminbai Ganpatrao Jadhav North- Land of c South- Land of Parubai Pandurang Rathod 5) Kauthali Gut No. 381, Area in Hectors - 1.23, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 387/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- of Sudhakar Kisan Jadhav West- Land of Sitaram Ganpat Jadhav North- Land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde South- Land of Parubai Pandurang Rathod 6) Kauthali Gut No. 381, Area in Hectors 2.46, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 388/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- of Rukminbai Ganpatrao Jadhav West-L of Shiv Moj. Pangri North-La of Bapurao Narharrao Munde South- Land of Premabai Dhansingh Chavan 7) Kauthali Gut No. 383, Area in Hectors - 0.81, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 192/97 dated 03.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Mandodari Kodimba Shingade West-Land of baiApparac etc North- Land of Trimbak Yashwantrao South- Land of Bhagwan Bapu Shedke 8) Kauthali Gut No. 383, Area in Hectors - 7.35, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 196/97 dated 03.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath of Dynoba Govindrao Gunjkar West-Land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde North- Land of Parubai Devidas Jadhav South- Land of Bhanudasrao and Sushilrao Deshmukh 9) Kauthali - Gut No. 383, Area in Hectors 1.21, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 197/97 dated 03.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East-land of Gangadhar Puranik and Shrirang Waghmode West-Land of Bapurac Narharrao Munde North- Land of Sonabai Maruti Munde South- Land of Parubai Devidas Jadhav 10) Kauthali Gut No. 383, Area in Hectors 1.61, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 268/97 dated 24.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Guljar Shah & Waghmod Shrirang West- Land of Sugar Factory North- Land of Bhagwan Bapu Shedke South- Land of Vishnu Maruti Munde 11) Kauthali Gut No. 383, Area in Hectors 1.00. Boundaries as per sale deed No. 267/97 dated 24.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East-land of Guljar Shah West- Land of Sugar Factory North- of Sonabai Maruti Munde South- of Sugar Factory 12) Kauthali Gut No. 383, Area in Hectors 0.81, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 269/97 dated 24.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Guljar Shah West Land of Babu Satvaji Kendre North- Land of Mandodari Kodimba Shingade South- Land of Maruti Bhaurao Munde 13) Kauthali Gut No. 383, Area in Hectors - 1.00, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3472/97 dated 11.11.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East-1 of Guljar Shah West-Lar of Bapurao Narhar Munde North- Land of Sugar Factory South- Land of Sugar Factory 14) Kauthali Gut No. 384, Area in Hectors 1.01, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 389/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Babu Satvaji Kendre West- Land of Bapurao Narhari Munde North- Land of Babu Rambhau Hake South- Land of Sudhakar Kisan Jadhav 15) Kauthali Gut No. 384, Area in Hectors 1.04, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 195/97 dated 03.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Babu Shidhaji Kedarji West- Land of Sudhakar Kisan Jadhav North-Land of Sarubai Apparao Karad South- Land of Bapurao Narhari Munde 16) Kauthali Gut No. 384, Area in Hectors 1.01, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 194/97 dated 03.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Babu Sarva Kendre and Sarubai Aghavrao Karad West- Land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde North- Land of Smt. Yashodaba Arjun Jadhav South- Land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde 17) Kauthali Gut No. 384, Area in Hectors 0.70, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3473/97 dated 11.11.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- of Land of Sugar Factory/ Gopinath Pandurang Munde West-Land of Shantabai Shankar Rathod North Land of sugar factory Gopinath Pandurang Munde South- Land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde 18) Kauthali Gut No. 384, Area in Hectors - 1.01, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 578/97 dated 21.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East-land of Babu Kedar West- of Kisan Jadhav North- Land of Babu Rambhau Hake South- Land of Babu Satva Kendre 19) Kauthali Gut No. 384, Area in Hectors . 1.28, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3470/97 dated 11.11.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Govind Laxman Chavan West-Land of Sugar Factory/ Gopinath Pandurang Munde North- Land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde South- Land of Sugar Factory/ Gopinath Pandurang Munde 20) Kauthali Gut No. 384, Area in Hectors 0.70, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 379/97 dated 17.03.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Trimbak Yashwantrao Patil West- Land of Sugar Factory/ Gopinath Pandurang Munde North- Land of Babu Rambhau Hake South- Land of Sugar Factory/ Gopinath Pandurang Munde 21) Kauthali Gut No. 384, Area in Hectors - 1.39, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3663/97 dated 09.12.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Sugar Factory West- Land of Sugar Factory North- Land of Sugar Factory South- Land of Sugar Factory 22) Kauthali Gut No. 385, Area in Hectors 0.68, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 380/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East-la of Bhagwan Narharrao Munde West-Moj. Pangri Shiv North- of Bhagwan Narharrao Munde South- Land of Kisan Baburao Khettre 23) Kauthali Gut No. 385, Area in Hectors 0.68, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 379/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath of Bhagwan Naharrao Munde West- Shiv Moj. Pangri North- Land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde South- Land of Laxman and Laxmibai Sakharam Giram 24) Kauthali Gut No. 385, Area in Hectors 2.69, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 381/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde & others West-Shiv Moj. Pangri- Kauthali North- Land of Bhagwan Naharrao Munde South- Land ofGangadhar Pandurang Puranik 25) Kauthali - Gut No. 385, Area in Hectors . 1.33, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 382/97 dated 11.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath-East-land.of Bapurao Narharrao Munde& others West- ShivMoj Pangri- North-Land of Kisan Baburao Khettre & others South- Land of Ramrao Narharrao Munde 26) Kauthali - Gut No. 389, Area in Hectors 2.75, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3000/97 dated 26.08.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath-East- land of Keshav Rambhau Hake West- Land of Babu and Keshav Rambhau Hake rth-Land of Shallesh Trimbak Patil South- Land of Sham Trimbak Patil 27) Kauthali - Gut No. 389, Area in Hectors - 2.75, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 2999/97 dated 26.08.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Valjnath- . East- land of Keshav Rambhau Hake West- Land of Babu and Keshav RambhauHake North-Land of Yashwant Trimbakrao Patil South- Land of Shankar Trimbakrao Patil 28) Kauthali - Gut No. 389, Area in Hectors 2.74, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 2998/97 dated 26.08.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath - East- land of Keshav Rambhau Hake West- Land of Babu and Keshav Rambhau Hake North-Land of Suryakant RaghunathAghav South- Land of Shankar Trimbakrao Patil 29) Kauthali - Gut No. 389, Area in Hectors 2.75, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 2998/97 dated 26.08.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath-East- of Shrirang Dharba Waghmode West- Land of Sugar Factory North-Land of Trimbakrao Patil South- Land of Sugar Factory 30) Kauthali Gut No. 383, Area in Hectors 0.97, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 269/2001 dated 05.02.2001 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath-East- Land of Gangadhar Puranik and Baburao Hake West- Land of Sugar Factory North-Land of Sugar Factory South- Land of Sugar Factory 31) Kauthali - Gut No. 382, Area in Hectors . 8.00, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 611/97 dated 01.06.1998 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Valjnath - East- other land of Bhanudas Madhavrao Deshmukh and others West-Land of Sugar Factory North-Land of Sugar Factory South- Land of Shrirang Munde 32) Kauthali - Gut No. 251, Area in Hectors - 5.80, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 1796/2000 dated 24.05.2000 Sub Registrar Office -Vaijnath . East- land of Raghunath Pandurang Aghav & other West-Land of Sugar Factory North-Land of Gangadhar Pandurang Puranik South- Land of Gangadhar Pandurang Puranik 33) Kauthali - Gut No. 251, Area in Hectors - 1.04, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 1630/2000 dated 18.07.2000 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- land of Trimbakrao Patil West-Land of Bhanudasrao Deshmukh North- Land of Shivram Munde South- Land of Satyabhama Munde 34) Kauthali - Gut No. 251, Area in Hectors - 1.04, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 1629/2000 dated 18.07.2000 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath - East- land of Trimbakrao Patil others West-Land of Bhanudasrao Deshmukh North- Land of Gangadhar, Balwant and Prabhakar Pandurang Puranik South- Land of Sambhaji Shivram Munde 35) Kauthali Gut No. 251, Area in Hectors - 1.02, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 1631/2000 dated 18.07.2000 Sub Registrar Office arli-Vaijnath East- land of Trimbakrao Patil West- Land of Bhanudasrao Deshmukh North- Land of Sambhaji Shivram Munde South- Land of Bhanudasrao Deshmukh 36) Kauthali - Gut No. 392, Area in Hectors - 1.76, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3321/2000 dated 09.11.2000 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- -land of Audunbar West-Land of Keshav Hake and others North- Land of Sudam Zhinjurde South- Land of Sugar Factory 37) Kauthali Gut No. 392, Area in Hectors 0.87, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 268/2001 dated 05.02.2001 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- land of Rambhau Chavan West-Lan of Sugar Factory North- Land of Sudam Zhinjurde South- Land of Sugar Factory 38) Kauthali Gut No. 392, Area in Hectors 0.87, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 2140/2000 dated 07.11.2000 Sub Registrar Office Vaijnath East- land of Laxman And Banket Hake West-Lan of Suryakant Raghunathrao Aghav North- Land of Sudam Zhinjurde South- Land of Sugar Factory 39) Kauthali Gut No. 386, Area in Hectors 0.81, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3322/2000 dated 09.11.2000 Sub Registrar Office arli-Vaijnath East- of Keshav Hake and others West- Land of Baderam and Sambhaji North- Land of Abhish and Bukabai and others South- Land of Bapurao Narhari Munde and others 40) Kauthali Gut No. 386, Area in Hectors - 1.50, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3329/2000 dated 09.11.2000 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- land of Sarjarao Pole West- Moj. Pangri- Kauthali North- Land of Abhish and Bukabai and others South- Land of Bapurao Narhari Munde 41) Kauthali Gut No. 388, Area in Hectors 1.37, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3329/2000 dated 09.11.2000 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- land of Sugar factory West- Land of Sugar Factory North- Land of Shasherao Rambhau Hake South- Land of Baburao Rambhau Hake 42) Kauthali - Gut No. 388, Area in Hectors - 1.37, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 297/2001 dated 07.02.2001 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Sugar Factory West- Land of Sugar Factory North- Land of Keshav Rambhau Hake South- Land of Sugar Factory 43) Kauthali Gut No. 388, Area in Hectors - 1.24, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 296/2001 dated 07.02.2001 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Sugar factory West- Land of Abhish & others North- Land of Arjun Rambhau Hake South- Land of Keshav Rambhau Hake 44) Kauthali Gut No. 388, Area in Hectors 2.40, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 422/2001 dated 08.02.2001 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Sugar Factory West-Land of Somnath Karad & others North- of Shivaji Shingade & others South- Land of Shasherao Rambhau Hake 45) Pangri Gut No. 70, Area in Hectors 0.43, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 380/1997 dated 17.03.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- land of Shiv Moj. Kauthali West-Road and Land of Namdev Munde North- Land of Sugar Factory South- Land of Land of Trimbak Gunaji Kolhe 46) Pangri Gut No. 70, Area in Hectors 0.44, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 381/1997 dated 17.03.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- Shiv Moj. Kauthali West-Road and Land of Mahadev Namdeo Munde North- Land of Sudam Munde South- Land of Bhagubai Panchge 47) Pangri Gut No. 70, Area in Hectors 0.43, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 577/1997 dated 21.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- Shiv Moj. Kauthali- Pangri West- Land of Anant Raghu Munde and others North- Land of Sugar Factory South- Land of Bhau Motiram Ranade 48) Pangri Gut No. 68, Area in Hectors 0.61, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 1192/1997 dated 04.08.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- Shiv Moj. Kauthali West-Kennel North- Land of Kantilal Bhimrao Tidke South- Land of Sugar Factory 49) Pangri Gut No. 75, Area in Hectors - 0.55, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 382/1997 dated 17.03.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East-Shiv Moj. Kauthali Land of Namdev Munde North- Land of Bhagubai Panchge South- Land of Panda Rathod 50) Pangri Gut No. 75, Area in Hectors 0.79, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3471/1997 dated 11.11.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- Shiv Moj. Kauthali West- Shiv Moj. Takali (deshmukh) North- Land of Sugar Factory South- Land of Sugar Factory 51) Pangri Gut No. 78, Area in Hectors 0.13, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 2569/1997 dated 08.07.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East-land of Sugar Factory of Sugar Factory North- Land of Shatruhan Dhondiram Fhad South- Gut No. 87 and Gut No.89 52) Pangri Gut No. 87, Area in Hectors 0.19, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 468/1997 dated 19.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- Shiv Moj. Kauthali West- Land of Shyamrao Yashwantrao Suryawanshi North- Gut No.90 South- Government Land( Gairan) 53) Pangri Gut No. 87, Area in Hectors 0.60, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 1020/1997 dated 16.06.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Sugar Factory West- Land of Sugar Factory North- Land of Shmahgun South- Government Land( Gairan) 54) Pangri Gut No. 87, Area in Hectors 0.61, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 197/1997 dated 03.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Dhondiram Nana Phad West- Land of Devshala Ramesh Kamble North- Kennel South- Land of Government Land( Gairan) 55) Pangri Gut No. 90, Area in Hectors 0.48, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 469/1997 dated 19.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- Shiv Moj. Kauthali West- Land of Vishwanath Karad North- Land of Dyanrao Yashwantrao Suryawanshi South- Land of Gut No.87 and Land of Dyanrao Suryawanshi 56) Pangri Gut No. 90, Area in Hectors 0.49, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 467/1997 dated 19.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- land of Murlidhar Laxman Karad West- Land of Dhondiram Phad North- Land of Dyanrao Suryawanshi South- Gut No.87 and Land of Dyanrao Suryawanshi 57) Pangri Gut No. 92, Area in Hectors 0.29, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 378/1997 dated 17.03.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath East- land of Devshala Rmesh Kamble West-Road North- Road South- Government Land (Gairan) 58) Pangri Gut No. 92, Area in Hectors 0.24, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 635/1997 dated 28.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- land of Sugar Factory West-Land of Bhaguji Nana North- Land of Sugar Factory South- Government Land (Gairan) 59) Pangri - Gut No. 92, Area in Hectors - 0.06, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 808/1997 dated 10.03.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath-East-l of Sugar Factory West-Land of Dagdu Lamani North- Land of Sugar Factory South-Government Land (Gairan) 60) Pangri - Gut No. 84, Area in Hectors - 0.59, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 579/1997 dated 21.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath - East- Moj. Kauthali, Pangri West-Land of Dhondiram Phad North-Gut No.84 South- Gut No.86 61) Pangri - Gut No. 86, Area in Hectors - 0.61, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 579/1997 dated 21.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath - East- Moj. Kauthali, Pangri West-Land of Dhondiram Phad North-Gut No. 84 South- Land of Sugar Factory 62) Pangri - Gut No. 88, Area in Hectors - 0.24, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 579/1997 dated 21.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath - East- Gut No.89 West- Land of Dhondiram Phad North-Land of Sugar Factory South- Government Land (Gairan) 63) Pangri - Gut No. 89, Area in Hectors - 0.20, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 579/1997 dated 21.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath - of Sugar Factory West- Gut No.88 North-Lar of Sugar Factory South- Government Land (Gairan) 64) Pangri - Gut No. 83, Area in Hectors - 0.06, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 579/1997 dated 21.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath - East-Shiv Moj. Kauthali, Pangri West-other Land of Shamrao Yashwantrao Suryawanshi North- Land of Panda Ranade South- Gut No.84 65) Pangri - Gut No. 89, Area in Hectors - 0.05, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 579/1997 dated 21.04.1997 Sub Registrar Office -Vaijnath - East-land of Sugar Factory West- Land of Sugar Factory North- Land of Shmahgun South- Government Land( Gairan) 66) Pangri - Gut No. 89, Area in Hectors - 0.05, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 193/1997 dated 03.02.1997 Sub Registrar Office Parli- Vaijnath - East- land of Dhondiram Nana Phad West- Land of Devshala Ramesh Kamble North- Kennel South- Land of Government Land( Gairan) 67) Pangri - Gut No. 65, Area in Hectors - 0.25, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3442/2000 dated 22.11.2000 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath East- Moj. Kauthali Shiv West- Takali Deshmukh Road North- Land of Govind Mahadev Tidake South- Land of Suryakant Tidake 68) Pangri - Gut No. 67, Area in Hectors - 0.18, Boundaries as per sale deed No. 3441/2000 dated 22.11.2000 Sub Registrar Office Parli-Vaijnath - East-land of Bapurao Narharrao Munde West- Moj. Takali (Deshmukh) Road North- Land of Bhimbua Marutibua Bharti South- Land of Sugar Factory Factory Agriculture Land - admeasuring 67.00 hectare at Kauthali and Pangri Village Factory NA Land - admeasuring 24.02 hectare at Kauthali and Pangri Village Agril and NA land is situated at Gut No. 65, 67. 68, 70, 75, 78, 87, 90, 92, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89 at Pangri 251, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 388, 389, 392 at Kautha Building mortgage under consortium funding /stand alone limits : Factory Building of Sugar Plant, Old Distillery Plant, New Distillery Plant, Bio Gas Plant, Residential Quarters, Cogeneration Plant including Support Facilities, Services and Amenities of factory Plant and Machinery: Sugar Plant: 4500TCD Old Distillery: 30 KLPD New Distillery: 30 KLPD Ethanol Plant: KLPD Biogas Plant Cogeneration: 9MW+12MW
    67 hect
    Vaijnath, Beed
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 29 Dec 2023 11:00 AM
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    Regional Office, Ahmednagar Plot No. 3,4,8&9, 1st Floor, Near Nagapur Bridge, Nagar-Manmad Road, Nagapur, Ahmednagar - 414111.
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