Property 2 :- Flat No 390 belongs to Mrs Lavanya H in third floor contains three bedrooms, Kitchen, Dining. Toilet's Living room, with one covered Car parking bearing No 390. and super built up area measuring 1639 sq. ft. of the apartment known as "DS-MAX SAROVAR together with an undivided share right, title and interest of land as specified constructed on Immovable converted land property bearing Sy No 25, measuring to an extent of 3 Acre and 38 guntas of Attibele Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore District vide conversion order No ALN(A)(A)SR553/2008-09, dated 24-10-2008 for residential use, issued by special Deputy Commissioner, Bangalore District and Immovable converted land property bearing Sy No 25, measuring to an extent of 1 acre of Athibele village, Attibele Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore District vide conversion order No.ALN(A)(A)SR17/2009-10, dated 01/08/2009 issued by special deputy commissioner, Bangalore District, totally measuring to an extent of 4 acre 38 guntas and bounded on East: Open space, West: Passage, North : Passage & Flat No. 389, South : Staircase, together with 548 sq ft of undivided share, right, title and interest in the above land.