All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Survey No 25/1B/1+1B/2/1+25/1B+1B+1B/2/3 bearing Plot No. 01 area adm. 636.20 Sq.mtrs situated at Agartakli, Taluka & Dist: Nashik within the limits of Nashik Municipal Corporation bounded as follows East : Plot No. 02 West : Property known as Shanti Park South : By 18 Mtr Wide D.P. Road North: Plot No . 4 & 5 PART – B (Details of the property mortgaged owned by Borrower/Guarantors) On the above referred property constructed there on building known as " Dream Heritage - C" on Second floor, Flat no 12 area adm. 104.64 Sq. Mtr built up bounded as follows. East : Flat No. 13 West : Marginal Space South : Flat No. 11 North : Marginal space