All the piece and parcel of land measuring an extent of 11 1/4 cents or 4914 sqft comprised in old survey No 261/1 as per patta no 2152 new sy no 261/1b4, situated at No 64 chelliaman koil street no 56 Kattankolathur village chengalapet taluk Kancheepuram dist bounded by North by Krishnamoorthy land, South by Bhagavan Singh plot, East by Krishnamoorthy land, West by: Chelliamman koil street Measuring on the East to west on the northeren side :91 feet, East to west on the southern side feet, North to south on the eastern side: 54 feet. North to south on the western side :54 feet with in the registration district of chengalapattu and sub-Registration district of Joint -Il Chengalapattu.Schedule B(Property Mortgaged to the bank) 395 Sgft undivided share of land out of the said 4914 Sgft more particularly discribed in the Schedule A togeather with Flat bearing No 4-c having super built up area of 1015Sqft situated in the IV th floorSONEX MERIDIAN APPARTMENT of the building constructed in the A Schedule property