EMD of Residential Flat situated at Dr. No.15-3-61/1, Flat No.2, Ground Floor, L B Towers, Ward No.20, Block No.4, T.S No.126-122, Assessment No.29999618, Opp-Century club, Situated at Maharanipeta, Visakhapatnam, A.P. to an extent of 1150 Sq. ft and undivided and unspecified extent of site measuring 35 Sq. Yards or 29.26 Sq. mts being the part of a total extent of 1010 Sq. Yds belongs to Mr. Matcha Satyanarayana, S/o. Venkata Naidu. Boundaries of Site : East : Beach Apartment bearing No. 15-3-28, South : Vacant Site of M. Venkatarao Naidu, West : Beach Garden Apartments being No.15-3-30 North: 60 Feet wide Municipal Corporation Road and popularly known as Century Club Road. Boundaries of Flat: East : Beach Apartments, South : Flat No.3, West : Beach Garden Apartment, North : Flat No. 1