DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY : MORTGAGE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY AS PER SETTLEMENT DEED No.246/2013 AND MOD No.483/2013 AND SUPPLEMENT MOD 131/2016 DESCRIBED HEREIN BELOW: All that piece and parcel of property bearing Flat No. 4 having a built up area of 2408 sq. ft. in the first floor with 1492.80 sq ft undivided share of land out of 4 grounds and 352 sq ft at Shalom Apartments bearing door no. 1, Josiar Street, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600034 comprised in R.S No. 129/1, Block No. 21, Nungambakkam Village and the entire land being Bounded on the : North by : 6th street Thirumurthy Nagar, South by : Dr. KS Nayars Land R S No. 129/2, East by : Mr. AK Thampy's land in RS No. 129/3, West by : 40 Feet Scheme Road - Josier Street, The landed Property is situated within the Registration District of Chennai Central and Sub Registration District of Chennai Central Joint II, Thousand Lights. The above property situated within the limits of Chennai Municipal corporation. The mortgager of the said property is Mr. Karthik Kishore. -