DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY A-SCHEDULE: All that piece and parcel of 700 Sq. yds or 585.29 Sq Mtrs of site and Madras Terraced Roof Building in S.No.109/1, Town Survey No. 143 in Ward No.1. Block No. 1, Assessment No.1060011716 bearing Door No. 1-7-7, situated at Post Office Road, Sriramnagar, Kakinada, Kakinada Municipal Corporation Area, Kakinada Mandal, Kakinada Sub-Registry East Godavari District within the following Measurements : East: 70.0 ft, 21.33 Mtrs, West 70.0 ft. 21.33 Mtrs. North : 90.0 ft. 27.43 Mtrs. South : 90.0 ft, 27.43 Mtrs. Boundaries : East : Municipal Road, West : House belonging to Dr. Chinta Chidananda Rao bearing Door No.1-19-5, North : Municipal Road, South : House belonging to Malladi Panduranga Rao bearing Door No.1-7-6. Within the above boundaries the site of 700 Sq yds or 585.29 Sq mtrs with all easementary rights, common ways out of that site undivided and unspecified share of site in the above schedule property comes to 44 Sq. yds or 36.78 Sq. mtrs site. B-SCHEDULE The two-bed roomed Flat No FFF-2 in Fourth Floor with an area of 1200 Sq ft including common areas in the storied building called "MANASA's MATHOSHREE" The building consists of Stilt, Ground and Four upper floors. Boundaries of the Flat : East : Lift, Car Room and Corridor, West : Open to Sky. North : Open to Sky, South : Flat No FFF-3 C-SCHEDULE : Car parking place with an area of 100 Sft and it shall be marked as no 15. Boundaries of the Car Parking : East : Common passage, West : Common passage North : Car Parking No. 14. South : Car Parking No. 14. The undivided and unspecified share of site mentioned in A-SCHEDULE and the flat mentioned in B-SCHEDULE and with car parking mentioned in C-SCHEDULE hereby sold by the vendors to the vendee