Description of immovable secured assets to be Sold: - The residential flat bearing No. S301, Door No. 6-117/3A/25 measuring 1336 Sq.fts. in Second floor of the building known as “Suma Towers†constructed on the land bearing Sy. No. 167-8A1B (P) Near Sri Kantheri Dhoomavathi Temple, Surathkal Iddya Village, Mangalore Taluk- 575 014. Property Owner: Mr. Umanath Bhandary (Property description as specified in the Valuation Report dated: 12-07-2023 ) On the North: Portion of same Sy. No. [ now house] On the South: Road On the East: Portion of same Sy. No. now Hindu Rudra Bhumi On the West: Portion of same Sy. No [ now commercial bldg.]