Schedule A: Krishna District, Vijayawada District Registrar's Area, Patamata Sub Registry Penamaturu Mandal, Yanamalakuduru Village Panchayathi Area, Yanamalakuduru Village R No. 13, site being bounded by: East: Panchayathi Road, South: Galli Bazar, West: Property of Srinivasa Rao, North: Property of Velagapudi Nageswara Rao etc. In between above four boundaries an extent of 242-77 sq yards site in which an extent of Un Divided Share of 20-0 sq. yards site and Schedule B: Vide in the above Schedule in the Total site, Group house was made under the name and style of SRI VIJAYA SAI RESIDENCY in which Second Floor, Flat No. SF-3 being bounded by: East: Joint wall between Schedule Flat and Flat No. SF-2, South: Open to Sky, West: Open to Sky, North: Lift, Steps and common Corridor. In between the above boundaries RCCPlinth 812-0 sq.ft., common area 80-0 sq. ft. Parking 25-0 sq.ft. with all amenities and easement rights. (CERSAI ID:200052424865)