House in Jwalapur, Haridwar Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    Mr. Vikrant Chaudhary
    Bank Name
    Union Bank of India
    Property Type
    Description of immovable secured assets to be Sold: 1. All that piece and parcel of Residential property Plot of Land bearing part of Plot No. 47 belonging to Khasra No. 167, situated in Dayal Enclave, Phase-2, Village Jamalpur Kalan, Prgana Jwalapur Tehsil Distt Haridwar, having total area of 675 Square Feet, Measuring in East 15 Feet, west 15 Feet, Noth 45 Feet and south 45 Feet belonging to Smt. Shimla W/o Mr. Trilok and bounded as under: On the North : Plot No. 48 On the South : Remaining Part of Plot No. 47 On the East : way 25 Feet Wide On the West : Plot No. 58 As per Deed As per Site East : House of Smt. Savita Rani; East : House of Smt. Savita Rani; West : House of Sh. Karamveer; West : House of Sh. Karamveer; North : Plot No. 48 North : House of Others at Plot No.48 South : Part of Plot No. 47 South : House of Others at Part of : Plot No.47
    675 Sq Ft
    Jwalapur, Haridwar
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    3,274 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 27 Jul 2023 11:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 27 Jul 2023 04:00 PM
    Contact Details for Support
    Contact No :- 7060830174
    EAuction Website
    Union Bank of India
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