All that piece and parcel of land measuring 216 Sq feet. of land in T.S.No. 1/1 measuring east-west on the both sides 12 feet, north-south on the both sides 18 feet and 383 1/2 sq. feet. of land in T.S.No. 1/2 measuring east-west 17 1/4 feet on the north, 19 1/2 feet on the south, north-south 18 feet on the both sides totalling 599 1/2 feet of land in Ward-J. Block-13 (Old T.S.No.507 & 508 Ward-B, Block-13) on Kumarasamypatty Village, Salem Town and Taluk. Salem District within Salem City Municipal Corporation with all easementary rights thereto with in Salem West No. 1 Joint Sub Registration District and Salem (West) Registration District and bounded North by Kumarasamypatty west street, East by: The property of Natesan sold by Thimmasi Gounder and others, South by: The house of Krishna Gounder, West by: Srirangapalayam Road. The Property belongs to Mr.P. P.Natesan,$ S/o Mr. Ponnusamy.