Schedule -A: All the piece & parcel of land & house property situated at Old New Malleeswarar Koil street, Mylapore, Chennai-600004 comprised in Old Survey 2565, RS 2232/2, bearing C.C. NO. 5739 and 10372, (as per patta in C.A NO 18/1987- 88, comprised in T.S NO 2232/3 of Mylapore Division) admeasuring an extent of 1600 Sq.ft. thereabouts(as per patta 1574 Sq ft) passage linear measuring East to west-4 1/2 feet, North to South -54 1/2 feet, land linear East to west on the Northern side -19 1/4 feet, East to west on the Southern side-19 feet, North to South on the Eastern and Western Side-73 1/2 feet In all totaling 1600 Sq ft or thereabout (as per patta 1574 Sq Ft) which is bounded on the East House belongs to Kodandaraman, Door no 11/30 Malleeswar koil Street, West: House belongs to C.D. Sankaranarayanan, Janakiraman and AnanthaKrishnan, Door No. 14/33, Malleeswar koil Street, North: Property belongs to Ramu Door No. 13/32, South: House belongs to Janaki Ammal, Door No 35, Vadagur selva vinayagar koil Street Schedule -B: 1/3 rd UDS share in the land of schedule A property together with two portions in Southern side of the Ground floor having plinth area of measuring an extent of 731.47 Sq feet and On portion in Southern side of second floor, having plinth area measuring an extent of 641 Sq. Ft (1/3 share in the building) together with right over common areas, common steps and common ground floor passage belonging to MR D. Marimuthu which is bounded on the: East House belongs to Kodandaraman, Door no 11/30 Malleeswar koil Street, West: House belongs to C.D. Sankaranarayanan, Janakiraman and AnanthaKrishnan, Door No. 14/33, Malleeswar koil Street, North Property belongs to Ramu Door No. 13/32. South: House belongs to Janaki Ammal, Door No 35, Vadagur Selva Vinayagar Koil Street Within the Sub Registration district of Mylapore and Registration District of Chennai Central.