Description of the Property: Madurai Registration District, Madurai North Registration District, Tallakulam Sub District, Tallakulam Sub Registrar Office, Madurai North Taluk, Tallakulam Village Hamlet Sambakulam Village, Vivekanandar Street, in Nanja Survey no. 108/1,T.S No, 213, Survey Ward No. XVI, Block No. 15, larger extent of land measuring 2 acre and 26 cents in which Northern 725 sqm (7803 sq.ft.) of house plot, in which, excluding the western 2601 sq ft which has been sold, in the remaining Eastern 5202 Sq ft., the land measuring Western 4360 Sq ft and bounded by on the : North- Sathaiyar channel, East- Vacant house site retained with vendor P.Prabha, South- 12 mtr road, West- Vacant site of 2601 Sq ft with vendor P.Prabha. Within these boundaries, the house site measuring east west northern side 107' southern side 104'8" and on the south north western side 55' eastern side 25' and thereby measuring 4360 Sq.ft. The property is owned by Mr. R. Sivakumar S/o Ramachandran. Possession Type : Physical Possession