All that Part and Parcel of the Property consisting of land converted to house sites in wet land survey Situated at S.No.429/1A, 429/1B, 429/2A, 429/2B having an extent of Ac-1-25 cents land divided into house plots and made layout as per layout plan L.P No. 114/94 in plot No.4 southern side 178.2 sq yards or 150.36 Sq.Mts of residential site, Yeleswaram village and Gram Panchayat "Prathipadu Sub Registry East Godavari held in the name of Mrs Adari Devi Venkata Ramana W/o Adari Naga Subrahmanyam which is bounded by: North: Site of boddeti gameswararao, South: Colony, East: Plot No.5 land, West: Road.