b. Property : Land and Building Residential belonging to Mr. Surajit Dey, Mr. Avijit Dey and Mr. Biswajit Dey situated at D/137, Baghajatin Colony, Ward No. 102 of KMC, P.S. - Jadavpur, Dist - 24 Parganas (South), Kolkata - 700 032 and bounded by : East EP 349, West- EP 366, EP 367, EP 368, North - Road, South - EP 366, EP 367, EP 368. Bounded by : North - By 16 ft. wide KMC Road, South - By house of Subhas Bhadra, East - By house of Kamal Das, West- By three storied building of other d. Mr. Surajit Dey, Mr. Avijit Dey and Mr. Biswajit Dey e. UBINKOLARB5666