Leasehold Residential land and building having Plot No.: 10-2F/723, of F Category Vide CDA Plan No.: CDA(PL), B-21/2004, situated at Bidanasi Project area, Sector-10, CDA Markatanagar, P.S.: Markatanagar, SRO: Cuttack, Dist.: Cuttack, extent of Area: 510 Sqft.(i.e measuring of 17'x30`) in the name of Mr. Ashish Kumar Sahani, S/o- Late Surendra Sahani having Permanent Address At: Sanaparitira, P.O.: Osakana, P.S.: Balikuda, Dist.: Jagatasinghpur Odisha, Bounded by North: 20 Ft Wide Road, South:10-2F/716, East: 10-2F/724, West: 10-2F/722