Coimbatore Registration District, Coimbatore Joint Registration District, Coimbatore Taluk, Kuniamuthur Village, Old S.F.No. 57/1, New S.F.No. 909/6. a piece of within the following Boundaries North to: Ganapathi Pillai House Property, South to East Road, Eastto Previously Chinnasamy Naicker Property and now Devaraja Naicker house property, West to Mallaiagounder house property. Amidst this, Northern side feet, Southern side feet. South feet on both sides, thus the total extent of 2431 Sq.ft. of land along with old tiled roofed buildings, structures, tax assessment 924574. Water Service No.2955, EB Service Connection No. 269-001-348, with wirings, deposits, fittings and all appurtenances, regular pathway rights and all easements and rights The Property is in the name of Mr.C.Ravi.