Land And Building in Mullipadi, Dindigul Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s KPM Warehousing Enterprises
    Bank Name
    Union Bank of India
    Property Type
    land and building
    Description of Properties: All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouse constructed/to be constructed together with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Ac 11.06 cents in Sy no. 316/31(0.17 cents), 314/1A1 (0.54 cents), 316/8 (0.15 cents), 314/1A2(0.74 cents). 315/2A(0.22 cents), 315/2B(0.22 cents), 318/1A (0.0125 cents), 318/1B(0.015 cents), 318/1C(0.0775 cents), 318/2A(0.01 cents), 318/2B(0.0125 cents), 319/1 (2.41 cents), 319/2(0.068 cents) 319/3(0.3 cents), 319/4(0.275 cents), 319/3(0.064 cents), 319/4 (0.66 cents), 319/6(0.69 cents), 319/8 (0.27 cents), 315/1A(0.25 cents), 315/2C(0.36 cents), 316/3h(0.15 cents), 315/1C(0.43 cents), 315/1D(0.07 cents), 315/1F(0.12 cents), 316/7D(0.05 cents), 315/1B(0.0185 cents), 315/1G(0.41 cents), 316/3G(0.01 cents), 316/3Q(0.245 cents), 316/7G(0.225 cents), 319/5B(0.46 cents), Morefully described below and situated at Tamaraipadi village, Dindigal Taluk & District, Tamilnadu state belonging to M/s OSR Infra Pvt ltd and leasehold rights with M/s KPM Warehousing Enterprises 1) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 17 in the southern side of Hec 0.12.5 Ares comprised in Sy no. 316/31 releated to patta number 189 and bounded by: North: Hec 0.05.50 Ares land in Hec 0.12.50Ares in Sy No. 316/31 acquired for railway and the same is presently under the possession of Kalimuthu East: Punja land in Sy No. 316/3 O, 316/3P, South: Punja Land in Sy No.316/8, West: Punja land in Sy No.316/3H. 2) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 54 equivalent to Hec 0.22.0 Ares comprised in Sy No. 314/1A1 and bounded by: North: Abdul Rahim Property, East: Abdul Rahim property, South: Veeraputhairam Property, West: Subrahman Property. 3) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 15 equivalent to Hec 0.06.0 Ares comprised in Sy No.316/8 and bounded by: North: Land in Sy No.316/2 owned by Abdul Raheem, East Land in Sy No.316/2 owned by Abdul Raheem, South: Land in Sy No.314/1A1 owned by Thirupathaia Pillai, West: Land in Sy no. 316/7 G owned by Subrahmani. 4) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring As per document, Acre 0 cents 53 in Acre 0 cents 66, out of Acre 2 cents 26 comprised in Sy no. 314/1A, as per sub divison and patta number 978, Acre 0 cents 74 equivalent to Hec 0.30.0 Ares comprised in Sy no. 314/1A2 and bounded by: North: Thirupathi Pillai Punja land in Sy No. 314/1A1, East: Previously Kasim rowther punja land, presently Abdul Raheem punja land in Sy no. 314/1B, South: Perumal swami punja Land in Sy No. 314/1A3, West: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1G 316/7G 5) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 22 equivalent to Hec 0.09.0 Ares comprised in Sy no. 315/2A and bounded by: North: Punja land in comprised in Sy No.315/1B, 1C, East Punja land in comprised in Sy No.315/2C, South: Punja land in comprised in Sy No.315/2B, West: Cart track pathway in Sy No. 320. 6) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 22 equivalent to Hec0.09.0 Ares related to Patta number 182 comprised in Sy no. 315/2B and bounded by: North: Punja land in comprised in Sy No.315/2A East Punja land in comprised in Sy No.315/2C, South: Punja land in comprised in Sy No.315/3A West: Cart track pathway in Sy No.320. 7) A) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 01 1/4 equivalent to Hec0.00.50 Ares, in the south east comer in the land measuring Acre 0 cents 08 1/2 equivalent to Hec 0.03.50 Ares related to Patta number 1462 comprised in Sy no. 318/1A and bounded by: North: Portion of land in Sy No.318/1A acquired by railway department, East Land with an extent of Hec 0.03.17 Ares in Sy No. 318/1C, South: Land with an extent of Hec 0.00.40 Ares in Sy no. 318/2A. B) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 1/2 equivalent to Hec0.00.65 Ares, in the south east corner in the land measuring Acre 0 cents 12 1/4 equivalent to Hec 0.05.00 Ares related to Patta number 1462 comprised in Sy No.318/1B and bounded by: North: Portion of land in Sy No.318/1B, acquired by railway department, East: Land measuring Hec 0.97.60 Ares in Sy No.319/1 purchased by OSR infra pvt ltd. South: Land with an extent of Hec 0.03.17 Ares in Sy No.318/1C. C) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 7 3/4 equivalent to Hec0.03.17 Ares, in the south east corner in total extent of Acres 0 cents 8 1/2 equivalent to Hec 0.03.50 Ares related to Patta number 1462 comprised in Sy No.318/1C, which excluding the land acquired by railway department in the northern side in Sy No.318/1C and bounded by: North: Land in Sy No. 318/1C acquired by the railway department, land with an extent Hec 0.00.65 purchased by M/s OSR Infra Pvt Ltd, East Land with an extent of Hec 0.97.60 Ares purchased by M/s OSR infra pvt ltd, South: Land with an extent of Hec 0.00.50 Ares purchased by M/s OSR infra pvt ltd, West: Land with an extent of Hec 0.00.50 Ares purchased by M/s OSR infra pvt ltd. D) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 01 equivalent to Hec0.00.40 Ares, in the eastern portion of the land measuring to total extent of Acre 0 cents 8 1/2 equivalent to Hec 0.03.50 Ares related to Patta number 1462 comprised in Sy No.318/2A and bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.00.50 purchased by M/s OSR infra pvt ltd, East: Land with an extent of Hec 0.00.50 Ares purchased by M/s OSR infra pvt ltd, South: Mullipadi village limit, West: Portion of land in Sy No. 318/2A acquired by the railway department E) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring related to Patta number 1462, Acre 0 cents 1 1/4 equivalent to Hec0.00.50 comprised in Sy No.318/2B and bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.03.17 Ares purchased by M/s OSR infra pvt ltd, South: Mullipadi village limit, West: Land With an extent of Hec 0.00.40 purchased by M/s OSR infra pvt ltd. F) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, related to Patta number 1462 Acre 2 cents 41 equivalent to Hec0.97.60 Ares, in the southern side of Hec 1.26.00 Ares comprised in Sy no. 319/1, which, after acquisition of land measuring Hec 0.28.40 Ares out of Hec1.26.0 by the Railway department and bounded by: North: Land acquired by railway in Sy No.319/1, southern portion limit in Sy No. 317 East: Land in Sy No.319/2, South: Land in Sy No.319/3, 4, 5A, 5B and 8, West: Land in Sy No.318/1B, 1C G) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring related to Patta number 1462, Acre 0 cents 68 equivalent to Hec0.27.5 Ares, comprised in Sy no. 319/2, bounded by: North: Southern portion limit in Sy No.317, East: Land in Sy lo.320/2, South: Land in Sy No.319/6, West: Land in Sy No.319/1. H) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 30 equivalent to Hec 0.12.0 Ares, related to Patta number 1462, In the northern side of Acre 0 cents 94 equivalent to Hec 0.38.0, comprised in Sy No.319/3, bounded by: North: Land in Sy No.319/1, East Land in Sy No.319/4, South: Portion of Land in Sy No.319/3, retained with the Subramani, West Mullipadi village limit I) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 21 1/2 equivalent to Hec0.11.14 Ares, related to Patta number 1462 In the northern side of Acre 0 cents 94 equivalent to Hec 0.38.0, comprised in Sy No.319/4, bounded by: North: Land in Sy No.319/1, East: Land in Sy No.319/5A, South: Portion of Land in Sy No.319/4, retained with the Subramani, West Land with an extent of liec.0.12.0 Ares in Sy.No.319/3 purchased by OSR Infra Pvt. Ltd. 8) A) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 64 equivalent to Hec0.26.0 Ares, related to Patta number 1462 In the southern side of Acre 0 cents 94 equivalent to Hec 0.38.0, comprised in Sy No.319/3, bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.12.0 ares in Sy 319/3, East Land with an extent of Hec 0.26.86 ares in Sy No.319/4, South: Land in Sy No.319/7 and 322, West: Mullipadi Village limit B) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 66 equivalent to Hec0.26.86 Ares, related to Patta number 1462 In the southern side of Acre 0 cents 94 equivalent to Hec 0.38.0, comprised in Sy no. 319/4, bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.11.14 ares in Sy No.319/4, East: Land in Sy o.319/5A South: Land in Sy No.319/7 and 322, West: Part of land in Sy No.319/3 c) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 69 equivalent to Hec0.28.0 Ares, related to Patta number 1462, comprised in Sy o.319/6, bounded by: North: Punja Land in Sy No. 319/2, East: D) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 27 equivalent to Hec0.11.0 Ares, related to Patta number 1462 comprised in Sy No.319/8, bounded by: North: Punja Land in Sy No.319/1, East: Punja Land in Sy No.319/6, South: Punja Land in Sy No.320, West: Punja Land in Sy No.319/5B. E) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with lease- hold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 25 equivalent to Hec0.10.0 Ares, relat- ed to Patta number 1462 In the southern side of Acre 0 cents 28 1/2 equivalent to Hec 0.11.50, comprised in Sy No. 315/1A, bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.01.50 ares in Sy No.315/1, East: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1C, South: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1B, West Punja land in Sy No.320 F) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 36 equivalent to Hec0. 14.5 Ares, related to Patta number 1462 . comprised in Sy No.315/2C, bounded by: North: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1C, 1F, East Punja Land in Sy No.315/2D,2E, South: Punja Land in Sy No.315/3A West Punja Land in Sy No.315/2A, 2B G) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 15 equivalent to Hec0.06.0 Ares, related to Patta number 1462 In the southern side of Acre 0 cents 47 equivalent to Hec 0.19.0, comprised in Sy No.316/3H, bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.13.0 ares in Sy No.316/3H East: Punja Land in Sy No. 316/11, South: Punja Land in Sy No.316/8, West: Punja land in Sy No.316/7G 9) A) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 43 equivalent to Hec0.17.5 Ares, related to Patta number 1556, comprised in Sy No. 315/1C, bounded by: North: Punja Land in Sy No.316, East: Punja Land in Sy No. 315/1D, 1E AND 1F, South: Punja Land in Sy No.315/2A 2C, West: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1A, 1B B) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 7 equivalent to Hec0.03.0 Ares, related to Patta number 1556 comprised in Sy No.315/1D, bounded by: North: Punja Land in Sy No.316, East: Punja Land in Sy. No.315/1E, South: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1E, West: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1C C) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 12 equivalent to Hec0.05.0 Ares, related to Patta number 1556, comprised in Sy No.315/1F, bounded by: North: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1E, East: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1G, South: Punja Land in Sy No.315/2C, West: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1C D) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 5 equivalent to Hec0.01.90 Ares, related to Patta number 1556, In the southern side of Acre 0 cents 25 equivalent to Hec 0.10.0, comprised in Sy No.316/7D, bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.08.10 ares in Sy No.316/7D acquired by the southern railway, East: Punja Land in Sy No.316/7E, South: Punja Land in Sy No. 315 10. A) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 18 1/2 equivalent to Hec0.07.50 Ares, related to Patta number 1476, comprised in Sy No.315/1B, bounded by: North: Punja Land in Sy No. 315/1A, East: Punja Land in Sy No.315/1C, South: Punja Land in Sy No.315/2A West Punja Land in Sy No 320 B) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 41 equivalent to Hec0.16.50 Ares, related to Patta number 1476 comprised in Sy No.315/1G, bounded by: North: Punja Land in Sy No.316, East: Punja Land in Sy No.314, South: Punja Land in Sy No.315/2D, West Punja Land in Sy No.315/1E, 1F C) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 1 equivalent to Hec0.00.50 Ares, related to Patta number 1476 In the southern side of Acre 0 cents 11 equivalent to Hec 0.04.5, comprised in Sy No.316/3G and bounded by: North: Land with an extent of 10 cents in 11 cents acquired by the southern railway, East: Land in Sy No.316/3H, South: Land in Sy No.316/7G D) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 24 1/2 equivalent to Hec0.09.84 Ares, related to Patta number 1476 In the southern side of Acre 0 cents 28 equivalent to Hec 0.11.5, comprised in Sy No. 316/3Q and bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.01.66 ares in Sy No.316/3Q, acquired by the southern railway, East: Land in Sy .316/2, South: Land in Sy No. 316/8, West: Land in Sy lo.316/30, 3P E) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring Acre 0 cents 22 1/2 equivalent to Hec0.09.00 Ares, related to Patta number 1476 In the southern side of Acre 0 cents25 equivalent to Hec 0.10.0, comprised in Sy No.316/7G and bounded by: North: Land with an extent of Hec 0.01.00 ares in Sy No.316/7G, acquired by the southern railway, part of land in Sy .316/3G, East Land in Sy No. 316/3H, 314, South: Land in Sy No. 315, West Land in Sy No. 316/7F. F) All that Part and Parcel of the buildings/sheds/warehouses constructed/to be constructed with leasehold rights thereon on the land total admeasuring, Acre 0 cents 46 equivalent to Hec0.18.50 Ares, related to Patta number 1476 comprised in Sy no. 319/5B, bounded by: North: Land in Sy No. 319/1, East Land in Sy No.319/8, South: Land in Sy No.320, West: Land in Sy No.319/5A
    Mullipadi, Dindigul
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 13 Dec 2024 12:00 PM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Fri, 13 Dec 2024 05:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    8511511370 & 7045811220
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