All that part and parcel of the land and building belonging to Yarra Rama Krishna Ajay Kumar (Owner of the Property). EMD of an unspecified joint right of 64.80 sq. yds of site out of total extent of 4714.16 sq. yds together with a flat there in 1428 sft. Common area 362.50 sft of parking area RS No. 316/ 2. Door No 10-1/44, Asst No. 5526/43, Flat No 507, Fourth Floor, Kilaru Venkata Subba Raos Sasirekha Country Akhil Enclave, salipeta, poranki village,penamalurumandal, kankipadu sub register Krishna dist being bounded by: FOR SITE On the North by Property of Pathuru Kutumaiah etc. On the East by : Property sold to others by Pathuru Samaiah etc., On the South by : 33 feet width road, On the West by Property of Soha Mohammad alias Kilaru Subhasini. FOR FLAT On the North by : Common Corridor. On the East by : Open to sky. On the South by : Common Corridor, On the West by : Common Corridor