DESCRIPTION OF SECURED ASSETS: All that piece and parcel of land together with the superstructure constructed thereon in Namakkal Registration District, Velagoundampatti Sub-Registration District, Namakkal Taluk, Thalingai Village, Old S.No.116/2 the entire extent of 3.60 Ac (1.45.5 Hec) assessment Rs.4.50, in these eastern part of 3.00 Ac. As per new S.No. 116/2B the extent of 1.21.5 Hec. Assessment Rs.3.75 the above land was divided into house plots. In these Plot No.34 measuring 1500 Sq.ft. bounded by the following boundaries: East of Plot No. 35. West of Plot No.33, North of Plot No.27. South of 25 ft wide East West pathway, Within the above boundaries the land measuring East West on both sides 30 ft. North South on both sides 50 ft totaling 1500 sq. ft. (139.35 As per new survey the above land comes under S.No. 116/2B2 with an entire extent of 0.01.39 Hec. And all pathway rights shown in the deed and all easement rights. The above property belongs to Mr.P Dharmalingam S/o Palanisamy. It is free hold property