S. No. 1 PROPERTY IN THE NAME OF T. JOHNSON. Item No. 1. Tuticorin Registration District, Tuticorin Melur Sub Registration Saragam, Tuticorin Taluk, Meelavittan Village, Re-Survey Nos, 96/1C comprising punjai to an extent of 50 cents of land out of which Northern 18.1/2 cents of land out of which Southern Punjai 9.1/4 cents of land., Bounded On the North by 200 ft breadth Tuticorin - Madurai By Pass, On the South by Re-Survey No. 96/2C Punjai, On the East by Re-Survey No. 136/2 Punjai, On the West by 200ft breadth Tuticorin - Madurai By Pass Road, Totaling to an extent of 91/4 cents of Punjai Land - Schedule Correct Item No. 2. Tuticorin Registration District, Tuticorin Melur Sub Registration Saragam, Tuticorin Taluk, Meelavittan Village, Re-Survey Nos. 135/1C comprising punjai to an extent of 1 Acre 11 cents of land and Re-survey No. 137/3 comprising punjai to an extent of 89 cents of land, totalling to an extent of 2 acres of land., Bounded: On the North by : Sankaraperi Village Survey No. 485/2 punjai land, On the South by : Meelavittan Village, Re-survey Nos. 135/2A punjai, On the East by : Meelavittan Village Re - survey Nos. 135/1D and 137/4 punjai, On the West by : Meelavittan Village, Re-Survey Nos. 135/1B and 137/2 Punjai, Totalling to an extent of 2 Acre of Punjai Land Schedule Correct Item No. 3. Tuticorin Registration District, Tuticorin Melur Sub Registration Saragam, Tuticorin Taluk, Meelvittan Village, Re-Survey Nos. 136/2 comprising punjai to an extent of 2 Acres 9 cents of land out of which Southern Punjai 99 1/4 cents of land., Bounded On the North by Survey No. 136/2 Northern side punjai, On the South by Survey No. 100 punjai, On the East by Survey No. 135/1A and 137/1 punjai, On the West by Survey Nos. 96/1C and 96/2C punjai, Totalling to an extent of 99 cents of Punjai Land - Schedule Correct. 1 to 3 Items totaled together 3 acres 9 cents of land - Schedule Correct. Item No. 4. Tuticorin Registration District, Tuticorin Melur Sub Registration Saragam, Tuticorin Taluk, Meelavittan Village, Re-Survey Nos. 96/1C comprising punjai to an extent of 50 cents of land out of which Northern 18 1/2 cents of land out of which Northern Punjai to an extent of 9 1/4 cent of land Re-survey No. 136/2 comprising 2 Acres 9 cents of land out of which Northern punjai 1 acre 9 1/4 cents of land Totalling to an extent 1 Acre 18 1/2 cents of land., Bounded On the North by Sankaraperi Village Survey No. 485/1B punjai land, On the South by Survey No. 100 punjai land, On the East by Meelavittan Village Survey No. 135/1. 137/1 punjai, On the West by : 200 ft breadth Tuticorin - Madurai By Pass Road. Totalling to an extent of 1 acre 181/2 cents of Punjai land - Schedule Correct Item No. 5., Tuticorin Registration District, Tuticorin Melur Sub Registration Saragam, Tuticorin Taluk, Meelavittan Village, Re-Survey Nos. 135/1B comprising punjai to an extent of 1 Acre 16 cents of land, Re-Survey MNo. 137/2 comprising punjai to an extent of 1 acre 3 cents of land totaling to an extent of 2 acres 19 cents of land., Bounded : On the North by Sankaraperi Village Survey No. 485/1B2 punjai land, On the South by : Survey No. 135/2A, punjai land., On the East by Survey No. 135/1C, 137/3 punjai lands, On the West by Survey No. 135/1A, 137/1 punjai lands, Totalling to an extent of 2 acres 19 cents of Punjai Land, 1' and 2nd Item totaled together 3 acres 371/2 cents of land The above mentioned Property 1 and 2 are offered as collateral to the CMTCC limit availed by Mr. T. Johnson and offered as continuing security for the limits availed by M/s. St. John Freight System Ltd.