Item no 1 In Tiruchirapalli District, Tirucharapalli Registration District, Thuvarangurichi Sub Registration District, Marungapuri Taluk Thuvarangurichi Village, the lands comprised in Old S.F.No310 UDR New S.F.No.257/2 measuring an extent of Acre 4.81 cents out of this an extent of acre 0.20 cents after sub division comprised in Natham New S.F.No 257/28 measuring Hec 0.03.50 out of this an extent of Hec 0.01.75 after sub division Natham New S.F.No 257/28A out of this, The site measuring East -West on the North 35 feet and on the South 35 feet, North-South on the East 26 feet 8 inches and on the West 26 feet 8 inches, totaling 935.55 square feet = 87.35 square meter of land with building comprised in NathamS.F.No 257/28A at Rice Mill Street, Trichy Madurai Road Thuvarangurichi. Item no 2 In Tiruchirapalli District, Tirucharapalli Registration District, Thuvarangurichi Sub Registration District, Marungapuri Taluk Thuvarangurichi Village, the lands comprised in Old S.F.No 310 UDR New S.F.No.257/2 measuring an extent of Acre 4.81 cents out of this an extent of Acre 0.20 cents after sub division comprised in Natham New S.F.No 257/27 measuring Hec 0.09.50 out of this an extent of Hec 0.02.75 after sub division Natham New S.F.No. 257/27A out of this, The site measuring East -West on the North 48 feet and on the South 51 feet, North-South on the East 27 feet and on the West 26.73 feet totaling 1330 square feet =123.56 square meter of land with building comprised in NathamS.F.No 257/27A at rice mill street Trichy Madurai Road Thuvarangurichi. Item no 3 In Tiruchirapalli District, Tirucharapalli Registration District, Thuvarangurichi Sub Registration District, Marungapuri Taluk Thuvarangurichi Village, the lands comprised in Old S.F.No 310 UDR New S.F.No.257/2 measuring an extent of Acre 4.81 cents out of this an extent of Acre 0.20 cents after sub division comprised in Natham New S.F.No 257/28 measuring Hec 0.03.50 out of this an extent of Hed 0.01.75, after sub division Natham New F.No.257/28A out of this, The site measuring East -West on the North 34.3 feet and on the South 34.3 feet; North-South on the East 26.73 feet and on the West 26.73feet, totaling 917 square feet=85.19 square meter of land with building comprised in NathamS.F.N 257/28A at Rice Mill Street, Trichy Madurai Road Thuvarankurichi. Item no 4 In Tiruchirapalli District, Tirucharapalli Registration District, Thuvarangurichi Sub Registration District, Marungapuri Taluk Thuvarangurichi Village, the lands comprised in Old S.F.No 310 UDR New S.F.No.257/2 measuring an extent of Acre 4.81 cents out of this an extent of Acre 0.20 cents after sub division comprised in Natham New S.F.No 257/27 measuring Hec 0.09.50 out of this an extent of Hec 0.02.75 after sub division Natham New S.F.No. 257/27A out of this, The site measuring East-West on the North 46 feet and on the South 46 feet, North-South on the East 26.73 feet and on the West 26.73 feet totaling 1230 square feet =114.27 square meter of land with building comprised in NathamS.F.N 257/27A at rice mill street Trichy Madurai Road Thuvarangurichi