b. Property : Commercial space (shop property), Office No.42 and 43 at 3rd Floor with 2 Car parking space at Basement, having total built up area of 787 Sq. Ft app. MLPx. Along with proportionate undivided and indivisible share of land i.e., 314 Sq. Ft situated on M. S. Plot No. 2082 of Ward No. V of Ranchi Municipal Corporation corresponding to Holding No. 1539 A at Old Commissioner's Compound, P.S. Kotwali Thana No. 205, District Ranchi, Jharkhand, In the name of Mr. Zorawar Singh, S/o. Surjeet Singh, Boundarles : North- Office No. 41, South - Rear set Back of Chauhan Arcade, East - Common Passage after that office No. 44, West-Side set back of 'Chauhan Arcade c. Mr. Zorawar Singh d. UBINKOLARB2706B