All that piece and parcel of Commercial land and building at Survey No. 24-7FP-2 (20 cents) and Survey No. 24/74F (19 cents), total 39 cents of Kundapura Kasaba village, Chickensal Road, Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District - 576201 bounded by: On the North: Survey No.22 On the South: Survey No.24-7B and Survey No.24-7C On the East: Survey No.25, 24-6 and 24-7C On the West: SD line & Survey No.24-741B, 24-13B, 24-7F3B 4. The
For auction related queries e-mail to or contact Union Bank of India, Vaderahobli Branch, Raghu Complex, Ground Floor, N.H. 66, Main Road, Vaderahobli, P.O. Kundapura - 576201