Property 2 : Equitable Mortgage (Mrs. Monika Samanta (Khamar.) owners name) of Office (Commercial) on the ground Floor of G+3 storeyed building situated at Premises No. 4 D.B.C.R Road under Ward No. 13 of Budge Budge Municipality, P.O. & P.S. - Budge Budge, Kolkata - 700 137, Dist - 24 Parganas (S) building name "Rohini Bhawan", on the ground floor of G+3 storeyed building together with the easement rights of common areas, passages and pathways attached here to for free ingress and egress situated at Mouza - Garbhukta Nandanpur, comprising in R.S. Dag No. 326, L.R. Dag No. 432 appertaining to Khatian No. 1230,L.R. Khatian No. 4577, Pargana Ballia, Touzi No. 353, J.L. No. 8, R.S. 3, P.O. & P.S.- Budge Budge, Budge Budge Municipality, Ward No. 13, Holding No. 4/G/1, D.B.C.R Road and AS.D.S.R Office of the Budge Budge, Kolkata - 700 137, Dist - 24 Parganas(S), extent measuring more/less 1332 Sq.l, super built up area (covered area 1066 Sq.ft) consisting 2 office rooms, 1 hall, 1 pantry & 2 Nos of Shops. The property is butted and bounded by : North - Vacant Land Of S. K. Abdul Jalil, South - Land and House of Pamma Singh, East - Vacant Land of S. K. Abdul Jalil, West - 45 ft wide D.D.C.R Road.