Plot Commercial in Mudaliarpet, Puducherry Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


  • Bank Auction of Plot Commercial in Mudaliarpet, Puducherry
Borrower Name
Bank Name
Union Bank of India
Property Type
plot commercial
item no.8: all the piece and parcel of the property at puducherry registration district, puducherry sub–registration district, puducherry municipal limit, mudaliarpet commune village,no.41, oluandai revenue village, ward no.”k” block no.6, t.s no.8/4, r.s. no. 49/1pt, cad. no.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, patta no.15, plot no.33 &34 (measuring , east-west on the both side 60ft., and north - south on the both side 40ft) in total extent of 2400 sq. ft. and covered by following boundaries: east of : new street, north of : plot no.32, west of : plot no.37 & 38, south of : plot no.35 item no.9: all the piece and parcel of the property at puducherry registration district, puducherry sub–registration district, puducherry municipal limit, mudaliarpet commune village no.41, oluandai revenue village, ward no.”k” block no.6, t.s no.8/4, r.s. no. 49/1pt, cad. no.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, patta no.1694, plot no.22 (measuring east-west on the northern side 52.6ft.,southern side 45 ft and north - south on the eastern side 40ft , western side 32ft) in total extent of 1757 sq. ft. and covered by following boundaries: east of : plot no.21, north of : part, west of : canal in t.s .no.7/4, south of : street item no.10: all the piece and parcel of the property at puducherry registration district, puducherry sub–registration district, puducherry municipal limit, mudaliarpet commune village no.41, oluandai revenue village, ward no.”k” block no.6, t.s no.8/4/r, r.s. no. 49/1pt, cad. no.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, patta no.1694, plot no.23 &24 part (measuring east-west on the both side 60ft and north - south on the both side 30ft) in total extent of 1800 sq. ft. and covered by following boundaries: east of : new street, north of : street, west of : reserve plot, south of : plot no.24 part item no.11: all the piece and parcel of the property at puducherry registration district, puducherry sub–registration district, puducherry municipal limit, mudaliarpet commune village no.41, oluandai revenue village, ward no.”k” block no.6, t.s no.8/4, r.s. no. 49/1pt, cad. no.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, patta no.1694, plot no.21 (measuring east-west on the both side 28ft and north - south on the eastern side 45ft,western side 40ft) in total extent of 1190 sq. ft. and covered by following boundaries: east of : plot no.22, north of : part, west of : plot no.20, south of : new street item no.12: all the piece and parcel of the property at puducherry registration district, puducherry sub–registration district, puducherry municipal limit, mudaliarpet commune village no.41, oluandai revenue village, ward no.”k” block no.6, t.s no.8/4, r.s. no. 49/1pt, cad. no.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, patta no.1390, plot no.35 &18 in total extent of 2444. 50 sq. ft. and covered by following boundaries: east of : plot no.17&36, north of : part, west of : street and plot no.19, south of : plot no.34 item no.13: property no.1: all the piece and parcel of the property at puducherry registration district, puducherry sub registration district, puducherry municipal limit, village no 44, murungampakkam revenue village, ward no.n, block no.4,,, cad no.845, patta no.23, plot no.25 (measuring east - west on the both side 60ft., and north - south on the both side 20ft.,) in totat extent of 1200 sq,ft, and covered by following boundaries: east of : new street, north of : plot no.24, west of : reserve site, south of : plot no.26 property no.2: all the piece and parcel of the property at puducherry registration district, puducherry sub–registration district, puducherry municipal limit, mudaliarpet commune village no.41, oluandai revenue village, ward no.”k” block no.6, t.s no.8/4r, r.s. no. 49/1pt, cad. no.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, patta no.1694, plot no.24 part (measuring east-west on the both side 60ft and north - south on the both side 10 ft) in total extent of 600 sq. ft. and covered by following boundaries: east of : new street, north of : plot no.24 part, west of : reserve site, south of : plot no.25 total extent of 1800 sq.ft property belongs to mrs n lakshmi patel: item no.14: all the piece and parcel of the property at puducherry registration district, puducherry sub–registration district, puducherry municipal limit, mudaliarpet commune village no.41, oluandai revenue village, ward no.”k” block no.6, t.s no.8/4/r, r.s. no. 49/1pt, cad. no.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, patta no.1694, plot no.17&36 (measuring east-west on the northern side 62ft.,southern side 60 ft and north - south on the eastern side 58ft , western side 45.6ft) in total extent of 3105 sq. ft. and covered by following boundaries: east of : new street, north of : part, west of : plot no.18&35, south of : plot no.37, patta no.1694, ward no.”k” block no.6 with total extent of 14496.50 sq.ft
2400 Sq Ft
Mudaliarpet, Puducherry
Reserve Price
Emd Amount
Auction Start Date & Time
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 01:00 PM
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Auction End Date & Time
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 05:00 PM
Bank Contact Details
N. Satyanarayana Babji (9440705120)
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