Property Consisting of Plot Bearing 1.) S.N. 739 Adm 165.70 Sq Mt And 2.) S.N. 740 Adm. 69.95 Sq Ft Located At Ankalkhop Tal Palus Dist Sangli. Property owned by Mr. Shivaji Laxman Patil (Deceased) through Legal heirs as Mrs.Sushila Shivaji Patil, Mr. Prashant Shivaji Patil & Mr. Pravin Shivaji Patil. Boundaries of plot at City S.No. 739 East By – City S.No. 1180, West –Road, North –City S.No. 700,696,701, South-City S.N. 738, 740, Boundaries of plot at City S.No. 740, East By – City S.No. 738, West – Road, North – City S.No. 739, South- Property Of Sushila Ganpatrao Patil And Others (Remaining Portion of CS No.740)