Plot in Doddathoguru, Begur Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s. Eco Organics India
    Bank Name
    Union Bank of India
    Property Type
    SCHEDULE that converted land being portion of land bearing Survey no.79/3, measuring Twenty Nine Guntas, (converted vide official Memorandum bearing no ALN.SR(S)173/2007-08, dated 23.10.2008, converted land being portion of land bearing Survey no.81/2. measuring 5 Acres 14 guntas, converted vide official Memorandum bearing no. BDSALN.SR(S)760/2004-05. dated 04.04.2005 and No. BDS.ALN.SR(S) 520/2004-05, dated 13.12.2004 converted land being portion of land bearing Survey no.84/4, measuring One Acre Thirty Four Guntas, converted vide revised Official Memorandum bearing No.BDS.ALN.SR(S) 274/2002-03 dated 17.03.2003 and revised official memorandum dated 29.10.2010 converted land being portion of land bearing survey no.85, measuring Thirty Guntas, converted vide Official Memorandum bearing no.ALN.SR(S)190/2007-08, dated 23.10.2008 converted land being portion of land bearing measuring 2 Acre 20 guntas, converted vide Official Memorandum bearing No BDSALN.SR(S)520/2004-05 dated 13.12.2004, converted land being portion of land bearing survey No.86/5. measuring Four Guntas converted vide Official Memorandum bearing no.BDS.ALN.SR(S)760/2004-05. dated 04.04.2005, converted land being portion of land bearing Survey mo.86/6, measuring Six guntas, converted land being portion of land bearing Survey no.86/7. measuring Four Guntas, converted land being portion of land bearing Survey no. 86/8, measuring Four guntas, converted vide Official Memorandum's bearing Nos. BDS.ALN.SR(S)627/004-05 dated 07.02.2005. No.BDS.ALN.SR(S)625/2004-05 dated 07.02.2005. No.BDS.ALN.SR(S)761/2004-05 dated 04.04.2005 respectively all issued by Special Deputy commissioner, Bangalore District, Bangalore all situated at Doddathoguru village, Begur Hobli, Bangalore south Taluk belonging to Mrs Sailaja Kameswari Chivukula and Mr Akella Sitarama Subramanya Sarma as per Document bearing 11030/2013-14 dated 06.02.2014 at Bangalore and bounded as follows : East by: Biocon, West by: Concorde Manhattans, North by: Private Property, South by: Road. SCHEDULE the piece and parcel of plot bearing no.099 as per the plan sanc- tioned by the BDA vide no. BDA/ TPM/PL-13/2010-2011/5164 dated 19.03.2011 in the layout known as Concorde CUPPERTINO" measuring East to West towards Northern Side 12.76 meters + East to West towards Southern side 12,439 meters and North to South towards Eastern side 6.53 Meters North to South towards Western Side 7,083 Meters and totally measuring 85.68 Meters (922.00 Square Feet) situated at Doddathoguru Village, Begur Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, Bangalore Carved from and out of the Schedule "A" property belonging to Mrs Sailaja Kameswari Chivukula and Mr Akella Sitarama Subramanya Sarma as per document bearing No.11030/2013-14 dated 06.02.2014 at Bangalore and bounded as follows On the East by: 9 m Road, On the West by: Plot No.124, On the North by: Private Property, On the South by: Plot no. 100
    922 Sq Ft
    Doddathoguru, Bangalore
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    13,754 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    Bid Increment
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 11 May 2023 11:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 11 May 2023 02:00 PM
    Inspection Date & Time
    06.05.2023 1.00 PM to 5.00 PM
    Contact Details for Support
    Mr P.Laxman kumar, Asst. Manager (Mobile No. 94498)
    EAuction Website
    Union Bank of India
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