Plot in Kamrej, Surat Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s Soham Chem Care
    Bank Name
    Union Bank of India
    Property Type
    All those pieces and parcel of the immovable property being (1) "A" type Plot no- 28 (As per KJP, Block no- 535/28) Admeasuring area 69.68 square metres (as per sanctioned plan 54.60 square metres) along with undivided proportionate shareadmeasuring40.25 square metres in the common roads and CDP (2) "A" type Plot no - 29 (As per KJP, Block no- 535/29) Admeasuring area 69.68 square metres ( as per sanctioned plan 54.60 square metres) along with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 40.25 square metres in the common roads and COP. (3) "A" type Plot no-30 - ( As per KJP, Block no- 535/29) Admeasuring area 69.68 square metres ( as per sanctioned plan 54.60 square metres) along with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 40.25 square metres in the common roads and COP (4) "A" type Plot no - 31 ( As per KJP, Block no- 535/29) Admeasuring area 69.68 square metres (as per sanctioned plan 54.60 square metres) along with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 40.25 square metres in the common roads and COP. (5) "A" type Plot no - 31 As per KJP. Block no- 535/29) Admeasuring area 69.68 square metres (as per sanctioned plan 54.60 square metres) along with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 74.11 square metres in the common roads and COP. All of "Swamabhumi" of the said society of the land bearing Block no- 535 of mouje- Village-Kamrej, Taluka-Kamrej. District- Surat in the name of Mrs. Hemali Priyankbhai Barvaliya.
    69.68 Sq Mtrs
    Kamrej, Surat
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Tue, 29 Oct 2024 12:00 PM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Tue, 29 Oct 2024 05:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Authorised Officer Sandeep Kashyap Mo 8830715653, Branch : 9949540052 / 7016965509 / 9176860781, Email ID -
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