3) East Godavari District, Kakinada Rural Mandal, Sarpvaram Vill and Gram Panchath previously Kakinada Sub Registry. presently Sarpavaram Sub Registry in Sy.No. 37/6. an extent of 265 Sq. yards of site in Plot No. 3. LP No. 493/1986 with in the following boundaries belonging to Manepalli Chalama Rao. Boundaries : East : 23.00 ft : Property belonging to Nimmana People, West : 26.00 ft : 33 ft wide Road, North : 106.00ft : Site bearing Plot No.4. South : 95.00 ft : As per the partition deed, property devolved upon 4th executant herin in this number (Doc No. 4969/1987 Date : 20-07-1987, Doc NO. 4800/2015 dated : 29-07-2015 and MODT Vide Doc No. 1997/2018 dated : 24-03-2018)