All that right, title and interest in Rat No. 204 (2" Floor) admeasuring about 716.92 sq.ft. with proportionate undivided inchoate share admeasuring about 9.84 sq. Lmtrs in the land below in building known as "Shr 00 Tirupati Balaji Town No. B-8" (As per SMC Plan Building No. B/8) with all appurtenances pertaining thereto, standing on land bearing Revenue Survey No. 140/2, Block No. 222,RevenueSurvey No.170,BlockNo.223 and Revenue Survey No. 171, Block No. 224, Town Planning Scheme No. 59 (Unn). Final Plot No. 169, 170 and 171 respectively lying, being and situated at Village Unn, District - Surat, Sub-District Surat City in the name of Mr. Nilesh Bharatbhai Sonwane & Mr. Sachin Bharat Sonwane