Property-2: East Godavari District Kakinada Rural Mandal, Sarpavaram Vill and gram panchyath previously Kakinada Sub Registry presently Sarpavaram Sub Registry in New Sy No 235/2/A Old Sy No 191 Patta No 84. an extent of 2662 Sq Yards of site or Ac.0.55 Cents of land with in the following boundaries belonging to Manepalli Chalama Rao East As per the partition deed property devolved upon the 4th executant herin in this number, West NFCL Pipe line Road North Land belonging to Lakshmi Srivijaya. Gayathri, South: Land belonging to Bassa Satyaveni. (Doc No: 4775/1979 Dated 06.07.1979 Doc No 4800/2015 dated 9.07.2015 and MODT Vide Doc No 1997/2018 dated 24.03.2018.)