DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY : In Salem District, Valapady Taluk, Salem East RD, Valapady SRD, Sarkar Valapady Village in Survey No. 146/4, New Survey No. 51/4, Present Survey No. 51/4B. Khata No. 1280 Total extent of acre 1.00 together with asbestos roof building measuring as under: East-West on both sides: 54 feet; North-South on both sides: 22 feet. Totaling 1188 Sq. ft. Within the boundaries: West of road between Kottapatty and Belur; North of Land of Ramasamy Konar, South & East of Munusamy and his family. Within these boundaries with asbestos roof building all fittings, fixtures, pathway and all easement rights. The above property belongs to Smt. K Manjula.