5) East Godavari District, Kakinada Rural Mandal, Sarpvaram Vill and Gram Panchath previously Kakinada Sub Registry. presently Sarpavaram Sub Registry in Sy. No. 29/4, an extent of 257.64 Sq. yards (As per deed) & 223.33 Sq.yards (As per Actual) of site in northern side of total extent of 517.6 Sq.yds with in the following boundaries belonging to Manepalli Chalama Rao. Boundaries : East : 37.00 ft: 10 ft wide joint pasage. West : 33.00 ft : pathway, North : 67ft : Site belonging to Manda Sadasiva Rao, South 65.6 ft As per the partition deed. property devioved upon the 4th executant herein in this number. (Doc No. 94/2000 dated : 06-01-2000, Doc No. 4800/2015 dated : 29-07-2015 and MODT Vide Doc No. 1997/2018 dated 24-03-2018) Note : For Property No. 5, we are proceeding for Auction on the date specified above as Deemed that there is NO Approved Plan and Reserve Price has been fixed considering only the SCRAP Value for the constructed part as per the valuation report from the bank's Panel Valuer.