Residential site of an extent of Ac 1-00 cts comprising Ac 0.88 cts in R.S.NO.173/2E(before subdivision of R.S.NO.173/2A.173/1) and Ac 0.12 cts in R.S.NO.173/1A,nearest Door No Rustumbada village, Narsapurmandal&S.R.O., West Godavari Dist., in the name of Sri Guddati Yedukondalu s/o Guddati Subba Rao bounded by East: Ac 0-70 cts land of Guddati Yedukondalu, South: Puntha, land of Geddam Suvama Kumari, and land of Pamula Rajasekhar. West: land of Addala Dhanalaxmi, North: Road and land of Syam Master