Immovable property ie Shop Nos 11/A, 11/B, 12/A, 12/B, 13/A, 13/B, 14 to 18, having area adm. Sq. Ft1949-40, Sq. Mts. 181-11 situated on the lower level floor and Shop Nos. 4 to 7, 8-A, 8-B, 9-A & Shop Nos. 2-A, 2-B, 3-A, 3-B North facing shops attached to Hotel Aditya Building with Mezz. RCC (slab) used as office and coffee shop) having super build-up area adm. Sq. Ft. 1821 90, Sq. Mts 169-26 situated on the upper-level floor, aggregate area of upper & lower level shops adm. Sq. Ft. 3770-50Sq. Mts. 350-37 of the building known as Chaitanya Shopping Centre sitauated on the land of City Survey Ward Nos. 2900 to 2904, 2899, 2923, 1373 paikee in the area known as Bhupendra Road, Rajkot City in the state of Gujarat and bounded as follows : Boundaries of Shop Nos. 11/A, 11/B, 12/A, 12/B, 13/A, 13/B : On or towards the North Other's Property, On or towards the South : Chaitanya Shopping Centre's Open Chowk, On or towards the East : Chaitanya Shopping Centre's Upper Level Stair., On or towards the West : Open Margin and Sanganva Chowk-Rajshri Cinema Road, Boundaries of Shop NO. 14, 15, 16 &17 : On or towards the North Other's Property., On or towards the South Hotel Aditya., On or towards the East : Other's Property, On or towards the West : Chaitanya Shopping Centre's Open Chowk Boundaries of Shop NO. 18 : On or towards the North : Chaitanya Shopping Centre's Open Chowk, On or towards the South : Hotel Aditya. On or towards the East : Chaitanyal Shopping Centre's Open Space., On or towards the West : Chaitanya Shopping Centre's Remp Part. Boundaries of Shop NO. 4 to 7 : On or towards the North Stair, On or towards the South : Toilet, On or towards the East Other's property., On or towards the West : Common Passage. Boundaries of Shop. NO. 8-A, 8-B, 9-A : On or towards the North : Other's Property, On or towards the South : Common Passage, On or towards the East : Common Passage, On or towards the West : Shop NO.9-B, Boundaries of Shop NO. 2-A, 2-B, 3-A & 3-B attached to Hotel Aditya Building : On or towards the North : Common Passage, On or towards the South : Hotel Aditya Building. On or towards the East : Shop No. 4, On or towards the West : Shop No.1-B