Shop in Wadhwan, Surendranagar Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s Star Enterprise
    Bank Name
    Union Bank of India
    Property Type
    All Shop (1) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 201, admeasuring 17.72 yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan, Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Plot West Shop no 202. North Shop No. 224, South Gallery Mtr wide road, (2) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shopno. 202. admeasuring 17.72 SQ yards, 2nd floor. constructed on N.A land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plotno. 2. situated at Lije-Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Shop No. 201. West Shop no. 203. North Shop No. 224. South Gallery &24 wide road. Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala. situated at Shop no. 203. admeasuring 17.72 SQ yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at mouje- Wadhvan Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by Shop no. 202, West Shop no North Shop 224. South Gallery Mtr wide road (4) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 204. admeasuring 17.72s yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A land bearing Revenue survey no. 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Shop no 203, West Shop no 205. North Gallery, South Gallery &24 Mtr wide road, (5) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 205. admeasuring 17.72 yards, 2nd floor. constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no. 2043 paiki, plot no 2, situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Shop no 204, West Shop no 206. North Staircase, South Gallery Mtr wide road (6) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 206, admeasuring 17.72 SQ yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Shop no. 205. West Passage, Staircase, South Gallery wide road, Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala situated at Shop no 211, admeasuring 16.08 SQ yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plotno 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Gallery Gallery 6 Mtr wide road, North Shop no 212. South Shop no 210, Commercial belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 212, admeasuring 16 sq yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Gallery West Gallery & 6 Mtr wide road, North Shop no 213, no 211, Commercial belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 213. admeasuring 16.08 sq yards, 2nd floor. constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no. 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Gallery West Gallery Mtr wide road, North Shop no 214. South Shop no 212. (10) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 214. admeasuring 16.08 sq yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Gallery, West Gallery & Mtr wide road. North Shop no 215. South Shop no 213. (11) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala situated at Shop no. 215, admeasuring 16.08 yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Gallery West Gallery wide road, North Shop no 216, South Shop no 214. (12) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no. 218, admeasuring 15.85 sq yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plotno. 2. situated at Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Plotno. 3. Gallery, North Gallery & 6 Mtr wide road, South Shop no 219, (13) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala situated at Shop no 219, admeasuring 16.08 SQ yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan Taluka Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Plot no 3. West Gallery North Shop no. Shop no 220, Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala situated at Shop no 220. admeasuring 16.08 sq yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no. 2043 paiki, plot no 2. situated at -Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan -Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Plot no 3. West-Gallery,North-Shopno.219,South-Shopno.221,(15)Commercial belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 221. admeasuring 16.08 sq yards, 2nd floor, constructed on land bearing Revenue survey no. 2043 paiki, plot no. 2. situated at mouje -Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan, Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Plot no. 3. West-Gallery,North-Shopno.220,South-Shopno 222. Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 222, admeasuring 16.08 yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no. 2. situated at Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan Surendranagar and registration district wadhvan and bounded by East Plot no 3. West Gallery. North Shop no. 221. South Shop no 223. (17) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala, situated at Shop no 223, admeasuring 16.08 SQ yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A land bearing Revenue survey no 2043 paiki, plot no 2 situated at mouje Wadhvan Taluka Wadhwan Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Plot 3. West Gallery, North Shop South Shop no 224, (18) Commercial shop belonging to Mr. Moiz Kadarbhai Rupawala situated at Shop 224, admeasuring 16.08 sq yards, 2nd floor, constructed on N.A. land bearing Revenue survey no. 2043 paiki, ploting 2. situated at mouje Wadhvan, Taluka: Wadhwan, Dist Surendranagar and registration district at wadhvan and bounded by East Plot no 3, West -Gallery, Shop no 223. South Shop no 201 203. Details of encumbrances over the property as known to the secured creditor, if any: None (Physical Possession)
    Wadhwan, Surendranagar
    Reserve Price
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 13 Dec 2024 12:00 PM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Fri, 13 Dec 2024 05:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Phone No : 7800221183
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