Item No. 2: All that piece and parcel of land admeasuring 17.14cents consisting (1) 13.26cents & (2) 3.88cents in Re Sy NO. P/1-10-447 & P/1-10-448 (old Sy No. 146-5, 147), in Puthiyangadi Village , Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District covered under Document No. 1591/1990 Dated. 24.08.1990 of Kozhikode SRO held in the name of Mr. Ravinath Mohandas. Boundaries of 13.26 cents of land (as per title deed) On the North By: Second Tak and plots sold to beeran and Zainaba On the East By : T. S 447 (Road and Parambu) On the South By: Internal road On the West By : Thodu Boundaries of 3.88 cents of land (as per title deed) On the North By: Existing Road On the East By : T. S 448 On the South By: First Tak On the West By : plot sold to Beeran Item number 1 and 2 are contiguous to each other.