All that piece and parcel of vacant Land of 100 Satak, situated at Mauza Ekshara, J.L. No. 4, R.S. Dag Nos. 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 865, 866, 867, L.R. Dag Nos. 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 909, 910, 911, L.R. Khatian No. 730/2, Paragana Paikan, P.S. Liluah, under Chamrial Gram Panchayet, District Howrah, in the name of M/s. Transmission & Distribution (India) Limited. Butted and Bounded as North Internal access Road & Vacant Land, South Boundary wall and other factories. East Vacant Land of owners, West Entrance from Benaras Road Internal access way, vacant land of others.