Description of immovable secured assets to be Sold Item-i: Urban Vacant Land admeasuring approximately 9176.58 Sq.ft situated in R.S.No.195/1B Bapulapadu Mandal and Grama Panchayath, Hanuman Junction Krishna Dist., A.P. belongs to Penneru Kiran and Penneru Revathi and bounded by : East : Towards Machilipatnam To Kalluru Road, West : Site of Nookala Annapoornmma and Others, North : Site of Kamineni Kutumba Rao, South : Site of 'A' Schedule Property Belongs To Arige Prabhakar. Item-ii: Urban Vacant Land admeasuring approximately 9176.58 Sq.ft situated In Rs No. 195/1B, Bapulapadu Mandal and Grama Panchayth Hanuman Junction Krishna Dist A.P Belongs To Kommanaboina Vinod Kumar And Kommanaboina Madhu Naveen and bounded by: East: Towards Machilipatnam To Kalluru Road West : Site of Nookala Annapoornamma And others, North: Site Belongs To Arige Prabhakar, South: bandi Van Tank Bund Item-iii: Urban Vacant Land admeasuring approximately 4588.30 Sq.ft situated In R.S. No. 195/1B. Bapulapadu Mandal and Grama Panchayth, Hanuman Junction, Krishna Dist., A.P. Belongs To Kommanaboina Madhu Naveen and bounded by : East : Towards Machilipatnam To Kalluru Road West : Site of Nookala Annapoornamma and Others North Site Belongs To Devarakonda Bhavani, South : Site Belongs To Kommanaboina Vinod Kumar & Kommanaboina Madhu Naveen. Item-iv: Urban Vacant Land admeasuring approximately 4588.30 Sq.ft situated in R.S. No. 195/1B. Bapulapadu Mandal and Grama Panchayth, Hanuman Junction, Krishna Dist., A.P. Belongs To Kommanaboina Vinod Kumar and bounded by: East : Towards Machilipatnam To Kalluru Road West : Site Of Nookala Annapoornamma and Others North : Site Belongs To Penneru Kiran & Revathi, South : Site of Kommanaboina Madhu Naveen